Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 hour

As I was walking back to my dormitory after my 4pm class I noticed what made studying abroad that much more enjoyable than studying back in Sydney.

Over here, I live less than 10mins from my lecture rooms. 10 mins!! I roll out of bed, lazily take a shower and have breakfast, and casually WALK to my classroom. No 45min train ride and 20min bus ride. No waiting in the bus line for 891 on Eddie Avenue. Nor having to kick myself for forgetting something back home. Cause, home is just so close over here.

In BJ, my dorm was also just 10 min from my classrooms. Absolutely loved it. Remember walking out of the classroom after my nose bleed and happily snuggling into my bed after the 10 mins walk.

Gonna take full advantage of long 1 hour trips...well, until I come back.

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