Thursday, October 30, 2008

MBS Acceptance

My documents have been received by MBS and I'm going to receive my acceptance letter soon.
So, I can start looking at getting my VISA soon but after exams.
Finishing on the 6th. Woot woot.
So sick of exams already. Can't wait till holidays.

Gotta love 'The Apprentice UK'.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am officially and completely entered the state of zoning OUT.
Utterly annoyed at myself because I can't zone back IN.

Exams starting on Wednesday. Can't wait till this all f***ing finished.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Current Progress

Applications have been handed in and sent. Finally, I know.

Exams are in a few weeks time. Yet to be tackled but sure that it'll be pounded to pulp when I'm done with it.

Flights have been checked and reserved. Flying out on the 19th at night, therefore reaching Hong Kong on the morning of the 20th. Stop over to spend Chinese New Year with dear cousins and then jetting off to LONDON on the night of 28th. However, absolutely can't believe that fuel surcharges and taxes are $1,040 AUD. Absolutely confounded.
To put that into perspective, my actual flight ticket is $1,610.
What can you do?

Myer casual Christmas job is secured. Working in general merchandises...have no idea what that is...but none the less, is planning to work the arse off to save up for UK.

Been slightly upset about being jibbed at uni, so currently surviving on comfort food. Will eventually brighten up. Till then, rocky road biscuits!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Karma, Fate, luck? What is it?

Due to recent incidents, I've started to wonder whether luck is real. Well, is it?
We all seem to refer to it but do we really believe in it? Or is it just a coincidence that you're experiencing an one off bad week?

For some reason, I felt that Hermz's been having a pretty rough year. Yes, I said year.
I distinctively remember mum telling me that Hermz and her will experience some obstacles this year, when she was watching some fortune telling/animal horoscope chinese show.
After this week, I'm starting to actually believe in it. I know, it's ridiculous, but hear me out.

For the most of this year, Mum has been sick on and off, with headaches, cramps, back pains, the flu etc etc. But it's not like this year has been crazily cold or the flu was an epidemic. Yet, at the most randomness times, mum will fall ill.

Hermz, on the other hand, has been consistently refused internship jobs. I have friends that are in their penultimate years getting interviews and acceptances in major investment banks and companies. Whilst Hermz is sitting dunce. Not trying to fuel his ego, but I would've thought he would have the marks and the qualities these companies would look for. Then there's the Iphone incident where they are insisting he owes 3G network $13, 000 for the download usage. What a load of bs is that ey?!? For heaven's sakes....
Everything's settled now but you still wonder whether it was what mum said early this year.

So, now I'm really worried. Will I have bad luck next year when I'm overseas? Currently, I'm already getting a very negative vibe from the current economy, with the exchange rate slumping to L0.388/AUD. I've lost more than 20% in monetary value, and don't think it's gonna stop falling anytime soon either.

I don't want to believe in luck but it's starting to get me worried especially in the light of what's been happening to Hermz.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My poor sounding board

So I spent my whole entire 1 hour break complaining and worrying over my exams and exchange. The fact that I feel so much better, I feel sorry for my sounding board, who had to sit through the whole ordeal. I've actually got a list written out of what I must do for the next few weeks now. =D Full steam ahead!!

Therefore, thanks heaps SB (he who doesn't want to be named)!!! Sorry, I know I'm a massive whinger!!!

Current plans: I might be leaving in NOVEMBER!! =0

Back from Melbourne!!

I have to say, Melbourne was Awesome!!!
Probably because last year was such a disappointment in Gold Coast.
Man, I'm already missing it. Especially Cafe Grecco, they have the best cakes there!

Since coming back, it has dawned on me that I'm gonna be off to Manchester in a 3 months time. 3 MONTHS TIME!!! I haven't even sent in my exchange forms or done my visa yet. Unbelievable. I haven't even booked my flight.

Manchester is bound to be crazy, but I'm starting to feel slightly dubious. I'm actually feeling quite insecure, being away from mum n dad n all. >.<